
Integrate Langfuse Tracing into your LLM applications with the Langfuse Python SDK using the @observe() decorator.

Simple example (decorator + openai integration)

from langfuse.decorators import observe
from langfuse.openai import openai # OpenAI integration

def story():
          {"role": "system", "content": "You are a great storyteller."},
          {"role": "user", "content": "Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away..."}

def main():
    return story()


See docs for more information.

 1"""Integrate Langfuse Tracing into your LLM applications with the Langfuse Python SDK using the `@observe()` decorator.
 3*Simple example (decorator + openai integration)*
 6from langfuse.decorators import observe
 7from langfuse.openai import openai # OpenAI integration
10def story():
11    return
12        model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
13        max_tokens=100,
14        messages=[
15          {"role": "system", "content": "You are a great storyteller."},
16          {"role": "user", "content": "Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away..."}
17        ],
18    ).choices[0].message.content
21def main():
22    return story()
27See [docs]( for more information.
30from .langfuse_decorator import langfuse_context, observe, LangfuseDecorator
32__all__ = ["langfuse_context", "observe", "LangfuseDecorator"]
langfuse_context = <LangfuseDecorator object>
def observe( *, name: Optional[str] = None, as_type: Optional[Literal['generation']] = None, capture_input: bool = True, capture_output: bool = True, transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None) -> Callable[[~F], ~F]:
 86    def observe(
 87        self,
 88        *,
 89        name: Optional[str] = None,
 90        as_type: Optional[Literal["generation"]] = None,
 91        capture_input: bool = True,
 92        capture_output: bool = True,
 93        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
 94    ) -> Callable[[F], F]:
 95        """Wrap a function to create and manage Langfuse tracing around its execution, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous functions.
 97        It captures the function's execution context, including start/end times, input/output data, and automatically handles trace/span generation within the Langfuse observation context.
 98        In case of an exception, the observation is updated with error details. The top-most decorated function is treated as a trace, with nested calls captured as spans or generations.
100        Attributes:
101            name (Optional[str]): Name of the created trace or span. Overwrites the function name as the default used for the trace or span name.
102            as_type (Optional[Literal["generation"]]): Specify "generation" to treat the observation as a generation type, suitable for language model invocations.
103            capture_input (bool): If True, captures the args and kwargs of the function as input. Default is True.
104            capture_output (bool): If True, captures the return value of the function as output. Default is True.
105            transform_to_string (Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]]): When the decorated function returns a generator, this function transforms yielded values into a string representation for output capture
107        Returns:
108            Callable: A wrapped version of the original function that, upon execution, is automatically observed and managed by Langfuse.
110        Example:
111            For general tracing (functions/methods):
112            ```python
113            @observe()
114            def your_function(args):
115                # Your implementation here
116            ```
117            For observing language model generations:
118            ```python
119            @observe(as_type="generation")
120            def your_LLM_function(args):
121                # Your LLM invocation here
122            ```
124        Raises:
125            Exception: Propagates exceptions from the wrapped function after logging and updating the observation with error details.
127        Note:
128        - Automatic observation ID and context management is provided. Optionally, an observation ID can be specified using the `langfuse_observation_id` keyword when calling the wrapped function.
129        - To update observation or trace parameters (e.g., metadata, session_id), use `langfuse.update_current_observation` and `langfuse.update_current_trace` methods within the wrapped function.
130        """
132        def decorator(func: F) -> F:
133            return (
134                self._async_observe(
135                    func,
136                    name=name,
137                    as_type=as_type,
138                    capture_input=capture_input,
139                    capture_output=capture_output,
140                    transform_to_string=transform_to_string,
141                )
142                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func)
143                else self._sync_observe(
144                    func,
145                    name=name,
146                    as_type=as_type,
147                    capture_input=capture_input,
148                    capture_output=capture_output,
149                    transform_to_string=transform_to_string,
150                )
151            )
153        return decorator

Wrap a function to create and manage Langfuse tracing around its execution, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous functions.

It captures the function's execution context, including start/end times, input/output data, and automatically handles trace/span generation within the Langfuse observation context. In case of an exception, the observation is updated with error details. The top-most decorated function is treated as a trace, with nested calls captured as spans or generations.

  • name (Optional[str]): Name of the created trace or span. Overwrites the function name as the default used for the trace or span name.
  • as_type (Optional[Literal["generation"]]): Specify "generation" to treat the observation as a generation type, suitable for language model invocations.
  • capture_input (bool): If True, captures the args and kwargs of the function as input. Default is True.
  • capture_output (bool): If True, captures the return value of the function as output. Default is True.
  • transform_to_string (Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]]): When the decorated function returns a generator, this function transforms yielded values into a string representation for output capture

Callable: A wrapped version of the original function that, upon execution, is automatically observed and managed by Langfuse.


For general tracing (functions/methods):

def your_function(args):
    # Your implementation here

For observing language model generations:

def your_LLM_function(args):
    # Your LLM invocation here
  • Exception: Propagates exceptions from the wrapped function after logging and updating the observation with error details.


  • Automatic observation ID and context management is provided. Optionally, an observation ID can be specified using the langfuse_observation_id keyword when calling the wrapped function.
  • To update observation or trace parameters (e.g., metadata, session_id), use langfuse.update_current_observation and langfuse.update_current_trace methods within the wrapped function.
class LangfuseDecorator:
 83class LangfuseDecorator:
 84    _log = logging.getLogger("langfuse")
 86    def observe(
 87        self,
 88        *,
 89        name: Optional[str] = None,
 90        as_type: Optional[Literal["generation"]] = None,
 91        capture_input: bool = True,
 92        capture_output: bool = True,
 93        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
 94    ) -> Callable[[F], F]:
 95        """Wrap a function to create and manage Langfuse tracing around its execution, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous functions.
 97        It captures the function's execution context, including start/end times, input/output data, and automatically handles trace/span generation within the Langfuse observation context.
 98        In case of an exception, the observation is updated with error details. The top-most decorated function is treated as a trace, with nested calls captured as spans or generations.
100        Attributes:
101            name (Optional[str]): Name of the created trace or span. Overwrites the function name as the default used for the trace or span name.
102            as_type (Optional[Literal["generation"]]): Specify "generation" to treat the observation as a generation type, suitable for language model invocations.
103            capture_input (bool): If True, captures the args and kwargs of the function as input. Default is True.
104            capture_output (bool): If True, captures the return value of the function as output. Default is True.
105            transform_to_string (Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]]): When the decorated function returns a generator, this function transforms yielded values into a string representation for output capture
107        Returns:
108            Callable: A wrapped version of the original function that, upon execution, is automatically observed and managed by Langfuse.
110        Example:
111            For general tracing (functions/methods):
112            ```python
113            @observe()
114            def your_function(args):
115                # Your implementation here
116            ```
117            For observing language model generations:
118            ```python
119            @observe(as_type="generation")
120            def your_LLM_function(args):
121                # Your LLM invocation here
122            ```
124        Raises:
125            Exception: Propagates exceptions from the wrapped function after logging and updating the observation with error details.
127        Note:
128        - Automatic observation ID and context management is provided. Optionally, an observation ID can be specified using the `langfuse_observation_id` keyword when calling the wrapped function.
129        - To update observation or trace parameters (e.g., metadata, session_id), use `langfuse.update_current_observation` and `langfuse.update_current_trace` methods within the wrapped function.
130        """
132        def decorator(func: F) -> F:
133            return (
134                self._async_observe(
135                    func,
136                    name=name,
137                    as_type=as_type,
138                    capture_input=capture_input,
139                    capture_output=capture_output,
140                    transform_to_string=transform_to_string,
141                )
142                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func)
143                else self._sync_observe(
144                    func,
145                    name=name,
146                    as_type=as_type,
147                    capture_input=capture_input,
148                    capture_output=capture_output,
149                    transform_to_string=transform_to_string,
150                )
151            )
153        return decorator
155    def _async_observe(
156        self,
157        func: F,
158        *,
159        name: Optional[str],
160        as_type: Optional[Literal["generation"]],
161        capture_input: bool,
162        capture_output: bool,
163        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
164    ) -> F:
165        @wraps(func)
166        async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
167            observation = self._prepare_call(
168                name=name or func.__name__,
169                as_type=as_type,
170                capture_input=capture_input,
171                is_method=self._is_method(func),
172                func_args=args,
173                func_kwargs=kwargs,
174            )
175            result = None
177            try:
178                result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
179            except Exception as e:
180                self._handle_exception(observation, e)
181            finally:
182                result = self._finalize_call(
183                    observation, result, capture_output, transform_to_string
184                )
186                # Returning from finally block may swallow errors, so only return if result is not None
187                if result is not None:
188                    return result
190        return cast(F, async_wrapper)
192    def _sync_observe(
193        self,
194        func: F,
195        *,
196        name: Optional[str],
197        as_type: Optional[Literal["generation"]],
198        capture_input: bool,
199        capture_output: bool,
200        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
201    ) -> F:
202        @wraps(func)
203        def sync_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
204            observation = self._prepare_call(
205                name=name or func.__name__,
206                as_type=as_type,
207                capture_input=capture_input,
208                is_method=self._is_method(func),
209                func_args=args,
210                func_kwargs=kwargs,
211            )
212            result = None
214            try:
215                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
216            except Exception as e:
217                self._handle_exception(observation, e)
218            finally:
219                result = self._finalize_call(
220                    observation, result, capture_output, transform_to_string
221                )
223                # Returning from finally block may swallow errors, so only return if result is not None
224                if result is not None:
225                    return result
227        return cast(F, sync_wrapper)
229    @staticmethod
230    def _is_method(func: Callable) -> bool:
231        """Check if a callable is likely an class or instance method based on its signature.
233        This method inspects the given callable's signature for the presence of a 'cls' or 'self' parameter, which is conventionally used for class and instance methods in Python classes. It returns True if 'class' or 'self' is found among the parameters, suggesting the callable is a method.
235        Note: This method relies on naming conventions and may not accurately identify instance methods if unconventional parameter names are used or if static or class methods incorrectly include a 'self' or 'cls' parameter. Additionally, during decorator execution, inspect.ismethod does not work as expected because the function has not yet been bound to an instance; it is still a function, not a method. This check attempts to infer method status based on signature, which can be useful in decorator contexts where traditional method identification techniques fail.
237        Returns:
238        bool: True if 'cls' or 'self' is in the callable's parameters, False otherwise.
239        """
240        return (
241            "self" in inspect.signature(func).parameters
242            or "cls" in inspect.signature(func).parameters
243        )
245    def _prepare_call(
246        self,
247        *,
248        name: str,
249        as_type: Optional[Literal["generation"]],
250        capture_input: bool,
251        is_method: bool = False,
252        func_args: Tuple = (),
253        func_kwargs: Dict = {},
254    ) -> Optional[
255        Union[StatefulSpanClient, StatefulTraceClient, StatefulGenerationClient]
256    ]:
257        try:
258            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
259            stack = _observation_stack_context.get().copy()
260            parent = stack[-1] if stack else None
262            # Collect default observation data
263            observation_id = func_kwargs.pop("langfuse_observation_id", None)
264            id = str(observation_id) if observation_id else None
265            start_time = _get_timestamp()
267            input = (
268                self._get_input_from_func_args(
269                    is_method=is_method,
270                    func_args=func_args,
271                    func_kwargs=func_kwargs,
272                )
273                if capture_input
274                else None
275            )
277            params = {
278                "id": id,
279                "name": name,
280                "start_time": start_time,
281                "input": input,
282            }
284            # Create observation
285            if parent and as_type == "generation":
286                observation = parent.generation(**params)
287            elif as_type == "generation":
288                # Create wrapper trace if generation is top-level
289                # Do not add wrapper trace to stack, as it does not have a corresponding end that will pop it off again
290                trace = langfuse.trace(id=id, name=name, start_time=start_time)
291                observation = langfuse.generation(
292                    name=name, start_time=start_time, input=input,
293                )
294            elif parent:
295                observation = parent.span(**params)
296            else:
297                observation = langfuse.trace(**params)
299            _observation_stack_context.set(stack + [observation])
301            return observation
302        except Exception as e:
303            self._log.error(f"Failed to prepare observation: {e}")
305    def _get_input_from_func_args(
306        self,
307        *,
308        is_method: bool = False,
309        func_args: Tuple = (),
310        func_kwargs: Dict = {},
311    ) -> Any:
312        # Remove implicitly passed "self" or "cls" argument for instance or class methods
313        logged_args = func_args[1:] if is_method else func_args
314        raw_input = {
315            "args": logged_args,
316            "kwargs": func_kwargs,
317        }
319        # Serialize and deserialize to ensure proper JSON serialization.
320        # Objects are later serialized again so deserialization is necessary here to avoid unnecessary escaping of quotes.
321        return json.loads(json.dumps(raw_input, cls=EventSerializer))
323    def _finalize_call(
324        self,
325        observation: Optional[
326            Union[
327                StatefulSpanClient,
328                StatefulTraceClient,
329                StatefulGenerationClient,
330            ]
331        ],
332        result: Any,
333        capture_output: bool,
334        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
335    ):
336        if inspect.isgenerator(result):
337            return self._wrap_sync_generator_result(
338                observation, result, capture_output, transform_to_string
339            )
340        elif inspect.isasyncgen(result):
341            return self._wrap_async_generator_result(
342                observation, result, capture_output, transform_to_string
343            )
345        else:
346            return self._handle_call_result(observation, result, capture_output)
348    def _handle_call_result(
349        self,
350        observation: Optional[
351            Union[
352                StatefulSpanClient,
353                StatefulTraceClient,
354                StatefulGenerationClient,
355            ]
356        ],
357        result: Any,
358        capture_output: bool,
359    ):
360        try:
361            if observation is None:
362                raise ValueError("No observation found in the current context")
364            # Collect final observation data
365            observation_params = _observation_params_context.get()[
367            ].copy()
368            del _observation_params_context.get()[
370            ]  # Remove observation params to avoid leaking
372            end_time = observation_params["end_time"] or _get_timestamp()
373            raw_output = observation_params["output"] or (
374                result if result and capture_output else None
375            )
377            # Serialize and deserialize to ensure proper JSON serialization.
378            # Objects are later serialized again so deserialization is necessary here to avoid unnecessary escaping of quotes.
379            output = json.loads(json.dumps(raw_output, cls=EventSerializer))
380            observation_params.update(end_time=end_time, output=output)
382            if isinstance(observation, (StatefulSpanClient, StatefulGenerationClient)):
383                observation.end(**observation_params)
384            elif isinstance(observation, StatefulTraceClient):
385                observation.update(**observation_params)
387            # Remove observation from top of stack
388            stack = _observation_stack_context.get()
389            _observation_stack_context.set(stack[:-1])
391        except Exception as e:
392            self._log.error(f"Failed to finalize observation: {e}")
394        finally:
395            return result
397    def _handle_exception(
398        self,
399        observation: Optional[
400            Union[StatefulSpanClient, StatefulTraceClient, StatefulGenerationClient]
401        ],
402        e: Exception,
403    ):
404        if observation:
405            _observation_params_context.get()[].update(
406                level="ERROR", status_message=str(e)
407            )
408        raise e
410    def _wrap_sync_generator_result(
411        self,
412        observation: Optional[
413            Union[
414                StatefulSpanClient,
415                StatefulTraceClient,
416                StatefulGenerationClient,
417            ]
418        ],
419        generator: Generator,
420        capture_output: bool,
421        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
422    ):
423        items = []
425        try:
426            for item in generator:
427                items.append(item)
429                yield item
431        finally:
432            output = items
434            if transform_to_string is not None:
435                output = transform_to_string(items)
437            elif all(isinstance(item, str) for item in items):
438                output = "".join(items)
440            self._handle_call_result(observation, output, capture_output)
442    async def _wrap_async_generator_result(
443        self,
444        observation: Optional[
445            Union[
446                StatefulSpanClient,
447                StatefulTraceClient,
448                StatefulGenerationClient,
449            ]
450        ],
451        generator: AsyncGenerator,
452        capture_output: bool,
453        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
454    ) -> AsyncGenerator:
455        items = []
457        try:
458            async for item in generator:
459                items.append(item)
461                yield item
463        finally:
464            output = items
466            if transform_to_string is not None:
467                output = transform_to_string(items)
469            elif all(isinstance(item, str) for item in items):
470                output = "".join(items)
472            self._handle_call_result(observation, output, capture_output)
474    def get_current_llama_index_handler(self):
475        """Retrieve the current LlamaIndexCallbackHandler associated with the most recent observation in the observation stack.
477        This method fetches the current observation from the observation stack and returns a LlamaIndexCallbackHandler initialized with this observation.
478        It is intended to be used within the context of a trace, allowing access to a callback handler for operations that require interaction with the LlamaIndex API based on the current observation context.
480        See the Langfuse documentation for more information on integrating the LlamaIndexCallbackHandler.
482        Returns:
483            LlamaIndexCallbackHandler or None: Returns a LlamaIndexCallbackHandler instance if there is an active observation in the current context; otherwise, returns None if no observation is found.
485        Note:
486            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., within a function wrapped by @observe) to ensure that an observation context exists.
487            - If no observation is found in the current context (e.g., if called outside of a trace or if the observation stack is empty), the method logs a warning and returns None.
488        """
489        try:
490            from langfuse.llama_index import LlamaIndexCallbackHandler
491        except ImportError:
492            self._log.error(
493                "LlamaIndexCallbackHandler is not available, most likely because llama-index is not installed. pip install llama-index"
494            )
496            return None
498        observation = _observation_stack_context.get()[-1]
500        if observation is None:
501            self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
503            return None
505        if isinstance(observation, StatefulGenerationClient):
506            self._log.warn(
507                "Current observation is of type GENERATION, LlamaIndex handler is not supported for this type of observation"
508            )
510            return None
512        callback_handler = LlamaIndexCallbackHandler()
513        callback_handler.set_root(observation)
515        return callback_handler
517    def get_current_langchain_handler(self):
518        """Retrieve the current LangchainCallbackHandler associated with the most recent observation in the observation stack.
520        This method fetches the current observation from the observation stack and returns a LangchainCallbackHandler initialized with this observation.
521        It is intended to be used within the context of a trace, allowing access to a callback handler for operations that require interaction with Langchain based on the current observation context.
523        See the Langfuse documentation for more information on integrating the LangchainCallbackHandler.
525        Returns:
526            LangchainCallbackHandler or None: Returns a LangchainCallbackHandler instance if there is an active observation in the current context; otherwise, returns None if no observation is found.
528        Note:
529            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., within a function wrapped by @observe) to ensure that an observation context exists.
530            - If no observation is found in the current context (e.g., if called outside of a trace or if the observation stack is empty), the method logs a warning and returns None.
531        """
532        observation = _observation_stack_context.get()[-1]
534        if observation is None:
535            self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
537            return None
539        if isinstance(observation, StatefulGenerationClient):
540            self._log.warn(
541                "Current observation is of type GENERATION, Langchain handler is not supported for this type of observation"
542            )
544            return None
546        return observation.get_langchain_handler()
548    def get_current_trace_id(self):
549        """Retrieve the ID of the current trace from the observation stack context.
551        This method examines the observation stack to find the root trace and returns its ID. It is useful for operations that require the trace ID,
552        such as setting trace parameters or querying trace information. The trace ID is typically the ID of the first observation in the stack,
553        representing the entry point of the traced execution context.
555        Returns:
556            str or None: The ID of the current trace if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace in the current context,
557            possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.
559        Note:
560            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current trace is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
561            - If called outside of a trace context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
562        """
563        stack = _observation_stack_context.get()
564        should_log_warning = self._get_caller_module_name() != "langfuse.openai"
566        if not stack:
567            if should_log_warning:
568                self._log.warn("No trace found in the current context")
570            return None
572        return stack[0].id
574    def _get_caller_module_name(self):
575        try:
576            caller_module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[2][0])
577        except Exception as e:
578            self._log.warn(f"Failed to get caller module: {e}")
580            return None
582        return caller_module.__name__ if caller_module else None
584    def get_current_trace_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
585        """Retrieve the URL of the current trace in context.
587        Returns:
588            str or None: The URL of the current trace if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace in the current context,
589            possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.
591        Note:
592            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current trace is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
593            - If called outside of a trace context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
594        """
595        try:
596            trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
597            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
599            if not trace_id:
600                raise ValueError("No trace found in the current context")
602            return f"{langfuse.client._client_wrapper._base_url}/trace/{trace_id}"
604        except Exception as e:
605            self._log.error(f"Failed to get current trace URL: {e}")
607            return None
609    def get_current_observation_id(self):
610        """Retrieve the ID of the current observation in context.
612        Returns:
613            str or None: The ID of the current observation if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace or observation in the current context,
614            possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.
616        Note:
617            - This method should be called within the context of a trace or observation (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current observation is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
618            - If called outside of a trace or observation context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
619            - If called at the top level of a trace, it will return the trace ID.
620        """
621        stack = _observation_stack_context.get()
622        should_log_warning = self._get_caller_module_name() != "langfuse.openai"
624        if not stack:
625            if should_log_warning:
626                self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
628            return None
630        return stack[-1].id
632    def update_current_trace(
633        self,
634        name: Optional[str] = None,
635        user_id: Optional[str] = None,
636        session_id: Optional[str] = None,
637        version: Optional[str] = None,
638        release: Optional[str] = None,
639        metadata: Optional[Any] = None,
640        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
641        public: Optional[bool] = None,
642    ):
643        """Set parameters for the current trace, updating the trace's metadata and context information.
645        This method allows for dynamically updating the trace parameters at any point during the execution of a trace.
646        It updates the parameters of the current trace based on the provided arguments. These parameters include metadata, session information,
647        and other trace attributes that can be useful for categorization, filtering, and analysis in the Langfuse UI.
649        Arguments:
650            name (Optional[str]): Identifier of the trace. Useful for sorting/filtering in the UI..
651            user_id (Optional[str]): The id of the user that triggered the execution. Used to provide user-level analytics.
652            session_id (Optional[str]): Used to group multiple traces into a session in Langfuse. Use your own session/thread identifier.
653            version (Optional[str]): The version of the trace type. Used to understand how changes to the trace type affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
654            release (Optional[str]): The release identifier of the current deployment. Used to understand how changes of different deployments affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
655            metadata (Optional[Any]): Additional metadata of the trace. Can be any JSON object. Metadata is merged when being updated via the API.
656            tags (Optional[List[str]]): Tags are used to categorize or label traces. Traces can be filtered by tags in the Langfuse UI and GET API.
658        Returns:
659            None
661        Note:
662            - This method should be used within the context of an active trace, typically within a function that is being traced using the @observe decorator.
663            - The method updates the trace parameters for the currently executing trace. In nested trace scenarios, it affects the most recent trace context.
664            - If called outside of an active trace context, a warning is logged, and a ValueError is raised to indicate the absence of a traceable context.
665        """
666        trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
668        if trace_id is None:
669            self._log.warn("No trace found in the current context")
671            return
673        params_to_update = {
674            k: v
675            for k, v in {
676                "name": name,
677                "user_id": user_id,
678                "session_id": session_id,
679                "version": version,
680                "release": release,
681                "metadata": metadata,
682                "tags": tags,
683                "public": public,
684            }.items()
685            if v is not None
686        }
688        _observation_params_context.get()[trace_id].update(params_to_update)
690    def update_current_observation(
691        self,
692        *,
693        input: Optional[Any] = None,
694        output: Optional[Any] = None,
695        name: Optional[str] = None,
696        version: Optional[str] = None,
697        metadata: Optional[Any] = None,
698        start_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
699        end_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
700        release: Optional[str] = None,
701        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
702        user_id: Optional[str] = None,
703        session_id: Optional[str] = None,
704        level: Optional[SpanLevel] = None,
705        status_message: Optional[str] = None,
706        completion_start_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
707        model: Optional[str] = None,
708        model_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, MapValue]] = None,
709        usage: Optional[Union[BaseModel, ModelUsage]] = None,
710        prompt: Optional[PromptClient] = None,
711        public: Optional[bool] = None,
712    ):
713        """Update parameters for the current observation within an active trace context.
715        This method dynamically adjusts the parameters of the most recent observation on the observation stack.
716        It allows for the enrichment of observation data with additional details such as input parameters, output results, metadata, and more,
717        enhancing the observability and traceability of the execution context.
719        Note that if a param is not available on a specific observation type, it will be ignored.
721        Shared params:
722            - `input` (Optional[Any]): The input parameters of the trace or observation, providing context about the observed operation or function call.
723            - `output` (Optional[Any]): The output or result of the trace or observation
724            - `name` (Optional[str]): Identifier of the trace or observation. Useful for sorting/filtering in the UI.
725            - `metadata` (Optional[Any]): Additional metadata of the trace. Can be any JSON object. Metadata is merged when being updated via the API.
726            - `start_time` (Optional[datetime]): The start time of the observation, allowing for custom time range specification.
727            - `end_time` (Optional[datetime]): The end time of the observation, enabling precise control over the observation duration.
728            - `version` (Optional[str]): The version of the trace type. Used to understand how changes to the trace type affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
730        Trace-specific params:
731            - `user_id` (Optional[str]): The id of the user that triggered the execution. Used to provide user-level analytics.
732            - `session_id` (Optional[str]): Used to group multiple traces into a session in Langfuse. Use your own session/thread identifier.
733            - `release` (Optional[str]): The release identifier of the current deployment. Used to understand how changes of different deployments affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
734            - `tags` (Optional[List[str]]): Tags are used to categorize or label traces. Traces can be filtered by tags in the Langfuse UI and GET API.
735            - `public` (Optional[bool]): You can make a trace public to share it via a public link. This allows others to view the trace without needing to log in or be members of your Langfuse project.
737        Span-specific params:
738            - `level` (Optional[SpanLevel]): The severity or importance level of the observation, such as "INFO", "WARNING", or "ERROR".
739            - `status_message` (Optional[str]): A message or description associated with the observation's status, particularly useful for error reporting.
741        Generation-specific params:
742            - `completion_start_time` (Optional[datetime]): The time at which the completion started (streaming). Set it to get latency analytics broken down into time until completion started and completion duration.
743            - `model_parameters` (Optional[Dict[str, MapValue]]): The parameters of the model used for the generation; can be any key-value pairs.
744            - `usage` (Optional[Union[BaseModel, ModelUsage]]): The usage object supports the OpenAi structure with {promptTokens, completionTokens, totalTokens} and a more generic version {input, output, total, unit, inputCost, outputCost, totalCost} where unit can be of value "TOKENS", "CHARACTERS", "MILLISECONDS", "SECONDS", or "IMAGES". Refer to the docs on how to automatically infer token usage and costs in Langfuse.
745            - `prompt`(Optional[PromptClient]): The prompt object used for the generation.
747        Returns:
748            None
750        Raises:
751            ValueError: If no current observation is found in the context, indicating that this method was called outside of an observation's execution scope.
753        Note:
754            - This method is intended to be used within the context of an active observation, typically within a function wrapped by the @observe decorator.
755            - It updates the parameters of the most recently created observation on the observation stack. Care should be taken in nested observation contexts to ensure the updates are applied as intended.
756            - Parameters set to `None` will not overwrite existing values for those parameters. This behavior allows for selective updates without clearing previously set information.
757        """
758        stack = _observation_stack_context.get()
759        observation = stack[-1] if stack else None
761        if not observation:
762            self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
764            return
766        update_params = {
767            k: v
768            for k, v in {
769                "input": input,
770                "output": output,
771                "name": name,
772                "version": version,
773                "metadata": metadata,
774                "start_time": start_time,
775                "end_time": end_time,
776                "release": release,
777                "tags": tags,
778                "user_id": user_id,
779                "session_id": session_id,
780                "level": level,
781                "status_message": status_message,
782                "completion_start_time": completion_start_time,
783                "model": model,
784                "model_parameters": model_parameters,
785                "usage": usage,
786                "prompt": prompt,
787                "public": public,
788            }.items()
789            if v is not None
790        }
792        _observation_params_context.get()[].update(update_params)
794    def score_current_observation(
795        self,
796        *,
797        name: str,
798        value: float,
799        comment: Optional[str] = None,
800        id: Optional[str] = None,
801    ):
802        """Score the current observation within an active trace. If called on the top level of a trace, it will score the trace.
804        Arguments:
805            name (str): The name of the score metric. This should be a clear and concise identifier for the metric being recorded.
806            value (float): The numerical value of the score. This could represent performance metrics, error rates, or any other quantifiable measure.
807            comment (Optional[str]): An optional comment or description providing context or additional details about the score.
808            id (Optional[str]): An optional custom ID for the scoring event. Useful for linking scores with external systems or for detailed tracking.
810        Returns:
811            None
813        Note:
814            This method is intended to be used within the context of an active trace or observation.
815        """
816        try:
817            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
818            trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
819            current_observation_id = self.get_current_observation_id()
821            observation_id = (
822                current_observation_id if current_observation_id != trace_id else None
823            )
825            if trace_id:
826                langfuse.score(
827                    trace_id=trace_id,
828                    observation_id=observation_id,
829                    name=name,
830                    value=value,
831                    comment=comment,
832                    id=id,
833                )
834            else:
835                raise ValueError("No trace or observation found in the current context")
837        except Exception as e:
838            self._log.error(f"Failed to score observation: {e}")
840    def score_current_trace(
841        self,
842        *,
843        name: str,
844        value: float,
845        comment: Optional[str] = None,
846        id: Optional[str] = None,
847    ):
848        """Score the current trace in context. This can be called anywhere in the nested trace to score the trace.
850        Arguments:
851            name (str): The name of the score metric. This should be a clear and concise identifier for the metric being recorded.
852            value (float): The numerical value of the score. This could represent performance metrics, error rates, or any other quantifiable measure.
853            comment (Optional[str]): An optional comment or description providing context or additional details about the score.
854            id (Optional[str]): An optional custom ID for the scoring event. Useful for linking scores with external systems or for detailed tracking.
856        Returns:
857            None
859        Note:
860            This method is intended to be used within the context of an active trace or observation.
861        """
862        try:
863            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
864            trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
866            if trace_id:
867                langfuse.score(
868                    trace_id=trace_id,
869                    name=name,
870                    value=value,
871                    comment=comment,
872                    id=id,
873                )
874            else:
875                raise ValueError("No trace found in the current context")
877        except Exception as e:
878            self._log.error(f"Failed to score observation: {e}")
880    @catch_and_log_errors
881    def flush(self):
882        """Force immediate flush of all buffered observations to the Langfuse backend.
884        This method triggers the explicit sending of all accumulated trace and observation data that has not yet been sent to Langfuse servers.
885        It is typically used to ensure that data is promptly available for analysis, especially at the end of an execution context or before the application exits.
887        Usage:
888            - This method can be called at strategic points in the application where it's crucial to ensure that all telemetry data captured up to that point is made persistent and visible on the Langfuse platform.
889            - It's particularly useful in scenarios where the application might terminate abruptly or in batch processing tasks that require periodic flushing of trace data.
891        Returns:
892            None
894        Raises:
895            ValueError: If it fails to find a Langfuse client object in the current context, indicating potential misconfiguration or initialization issues.
897        Note:
898            - The flush operation may involve network I/O to send data to the Langfuse backend, which could impact performance if called too frequently in performance-sensitive contexts.
899            - In long-running applications, it's often sufficient to rely on the automatic flushing mechanism provided by the Langfuse client.
900            However, explicit calls to `flush` can be beneficial in certain edge cases or for debugging purposes.
901        """
902        langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
903        if langfuse:
904            langfuse.flush()
905        else:
906            self._log.warn("No langfuse object found in the current context")
908    def configure(
909        self,
910        *,
911        public_key: Optional[str] = None,
912        secret_key: Optional[str] = None,
913        host: Optional[str] = None,
914        release: Optional[str] = None,
915        debug: Optional[bool] = None,
916        threads: Optional[int] = None,
917        flush_at: Optional[int] = None,
918        flush_interval: Optional[int] = None,
919        max_retries: Optional[int] = None,
920        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
921        httpx_client: Optional[httpx.Client] = None,
922        enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
923    ):
924        """Configure the Langfuse client.
926        If called, this method must be called before any other langfuse_context or observe decorated function to configure the Langfuse client with the necessary credentials and settings.
928        Args:
929            public_key: Public API key of Langfuse project. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY` environment variable.
930            secret_key: Secret API key of Langfuse project. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY` environment variable.
931            host: Host of Langfuse API. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_HOST` environment variable. Defaults to ``.
932            release: Release number/hash of the application to provide analytics grouped by release. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_RELEASE` environment variable.
933            debug: Enables debug mode for more verbose logging. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_DEBUG` environment variable.
934            threads: Number of consumer threads to execute network requests. Helps scaling the SDK for high load. Only increase this if you run into scaling issues.
935            flush_at: Max batch size that's sent to the API.
936            flush_interval: Max delay until a new batch is sent to the API.
937            max_retries: Max number of retries in case of API/network errors.
938            timeout: Timeout of API requests in seconds. Default is 20 seconds.
939            httpx_client: Pass your own httpx client for more customizability of requests.
940            enabled: Enables or disables the Langfuse client. Defaults to True. If disabled, no observability data will be sent to Langfuse. If data is requested while disabled, an error will be raised.
941        """
942        langfuse_singleton = LangfuseSingleton()
943        langfuse_singleton.reset()
945        langfuse_singleton.get(
946            public_key=public_key,
947            secret_key=secret_key,
948            host=host,
949            release=release,
950            debug=debug,
951            threads=threads,
952            flush_at=flush_at,
953            flush_interval=flush_interval,
954            max_retries=max_retries,
955            timeout=timeout,
956            httpx_client=httpx_client,
957            enabled=enabled,
958        )
960    def _get_langfuse(self) -> Langfuse:
961        return LangfuseSingleton().get()
963    def auth_check(self) -> bool:
964        """Check if the current Langfuse client is authenticated.
966        Returns:
967            bool: True if the client is authenticated, False otherwise
968        """
969        try:
970            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
972            return langfuse.auth_check()
973        except Exception as e:
974            self._log.error("No Langfuse object found in the current context", e)
976            return False
def observe( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, as_type: Optional[Literal['generation']] = None, capture_input: bool = True, capture_output: bool = True, transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None) -> Callable[[~F], ~F]:
 86    def observe(
 87        self,
 88        *,
 89        name: Optional[str] = None,
 90        as_type: Optional[Literal["generation"]] = None,
 91        capture_input: bool = True,
 92        capture_output: bool = True,
 93        transform_to_string: Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]] = None,
 94    ) -> Callable[[F], F]:
 95        """Wrap a function to create and manage Langfuse tracing around its execution, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous functions.
 97        It captures the function's execution context, including start/end times, input/output data, and automatically handles trace/span generation within the Langfuse observation context.
 98        In case of an exception, the observation is updated with error details. The top-most decorated function is treated as a trace, with nested calls captured as spans or generations.
100        Attributes:
101            name (Optional[str]): Name of the created trace or span. Overwrites the function name as the default used for the trace or span name.
102            as_type (Optional[Literal["generation"]]): Specify "generation" to treat the observation as a generation type, suitable for language model invocations.
103            capture_input (bool): If True, captures the args and kwargs of the function as input. Default is True.
104            capture_output (bool): If True, captures the return value of the function as output. Default is True.
105            transform_to_string (Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]]): When the decorated function returns a generator, this function transforms yielded values into a string representation for output capture
107        Returns:
108            Callable: A wrapped version of the original function that, upon execution, is automatically observed and managed by Langfuse.
110        Example:
111            For general tracing (functions/methods):
112            ```python
113            @observe()
114            def your_function(args):
115                # Your implementation here
116            ```
117            For observing language model generations:
118            ```python
119            @observe(as_type="generation")
120            def your_LLM_function(args):
121                # Your LLM invocation here
122            ```
124        Raises:
125            Exception: Propagates exceptions from the wrapped function after logging and updating the observation with error details.
127        Note:
128        - Automatic observation ID and context management is provided. Optionally, an observation ID can be specified using the `langfuse_observation_id` keyword when calling the wrapped function.
129        - To update observation or trace parameters (e.g., metadata, session_id), use `langfuse.update_current_observation` and `langfuse.update_current_trace` methods within the wrapped function.
130        """
132        def decorator(func: F) -> F:
133            return (
134                self._async_observe(
135                    func,
136                    name=name,
137                    as_type=as_type,
138                    capture_input=capture_input,
139                    capture_output=capture_output,
140                    transform_to_string=transform_to_string,
141                )
142                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func)
143                else self._sync_observe(
144                    func,
145                    name=name,
146                    as_type=as_type,
147                    capture_input=capture_input,
148                    capture_output=capture_output,
149                    transform_to_string=transform_to_string,
150                )
151            )
153        return decorator

Wrap a function to create and manage Langfuse tracing around its execution, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous functions.

It captures the function's execution context, including start/end times, input/output data, and automatically handles trace/span generation within the Langfuse observation context. In case of an exception, the observation is updated with error details. The top-most decorated function is treated as a trace, with nested calls captured as spans or generations.

  • name (Optional[str]): Name of the created trace or span. Overwrites the function name as the default used for the trace or span name.
  • as_type (Optional[Literal["generation"]]): Specify "generation" to treat the observation as a generation type, suitable for language model invocations.
  • capture_input (bool): If True, captures the args and kwargs of the function as input. Default is True.
  • capture_output (bool): If True, captures the return value of the function as output. Default is True.
  • transform_to_string (Optional[Callable[[Iterable], str]]): When the decorated function returns a generator, this function transforms yielded values into a string representation for output capture

Callable: A wrapped version of the original function that, upon execution, is automatically observed and managed by Langfuse.


For general tracing (functions/methods):

def your_function(args):
    # Your implementation here

For observing language model generations:

def your_LLM_function(args):
    # Your LLM invocation here
  • Exception: Propagates exceptions from the wrapped function after logging and updating the observation with error details.


  • Automatic observation ID and context management is provided. Optionally, an observation ID can be specified using the langfuse_observation_id keyword when calling the wrapped function.
  • To update observation or trace parameters (e.g., metadata, session_id), use langfuse.update_current_observation and langfuse.update_current_trace methods within the wrapped function.
def get_current_llama_index_handler(self):
474    def get_current_llama_index_handler(self):
475        """Retrieve the current LlamaIndexCallbackHandler associated with the most recent observation in the observation stack.
477        This method fetches the current observation from the observation stack and returns a LlamaIndexCallbackHandler initialized with this observation.
478        It is intended to be used within the context of a trace, allowing access to a callback handler for operations that require interaction with the LlamaIndex API based on the current observation context.
480        See the Langfuse documentation for more information on integrating the LlamaIndexCallbackHandler.
482        Returns:
483            LlamaIndexCallbackHandler or None: Returns a LlamaIndexCallbackHandler instance if there is an active observation in the current context; otherwise, returns None if no observation is found.
485        Note:
486            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., within a function wrapped by @observe) to ensure that an observation context exists.
487            - If no observation is found in the current context (e.g., if called outside of a trace or if the observation stack is empty), the method logs a warning and returns None.
488        """
489        try:
490            from langfuse.llama_index import LlamaIndexCallbackHandler
491        except ImportError:
492            self._log.error(
493                "LlamaIndexCallbackHandler is not available, most likely because llama-index is not installed. pip install llama-index"
494            )
496            return None
498        observation = _observation_stack_context.get()[-1]
500        if observation is None:
501            self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
503            return None
505        if isinstance(observation, StatefulGenerationClient):
506            self._log.warn(
507                "Current observation is of type GENERATION, LlamaIndex handler is not supported for this type of observation"
508            )
510            return None
512        callback_handler = LlamaIndexCallbackHandler()
513        callback_handler.set_root(observation)
515        return callback_handler

Retrieve the current LlamaIndexCallbackHandler associated with the most recent observation in the observation stack.

This method fetches the current observation from the observation stack and returns a LlamaIndexCallbackHandler initialized with this observation. It is intended to be used within the context of a trace, allowing access to a callback handler for operations that require interaction with the LlamaIndex API based on the current observation context.

See the Langfuse documentation for more information on integrating the LlamaIndexCallbackHandler.


LlamaIndexCallbackHandler or None: Returns a LlamaIndexCallbackHandler instance if there is an active observation in the current context; otherwise, returns None if no observation is found.

  • This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., within a function wrapped by @observe) to ensure that an observation context exists.
  • If no observation is found in the current context (e.g., if called outside of a trace or if the observation stack is empty), the method logs a warning and returns None.
def get_current_langchain_handler(self):
517    def get_current_langchain_handler(self):
518        """Retrieve the current LangchainCallbackHandler associated with the most recent observation in the observation stack.
520        This method fetches the current observation from the observation stack and returns a LangchainCallbackHandler initialized with this observation.
521        It is intended to be used within the context of a trace, allowing access to a callback handler for operations that require interaction with Langchain based on the current observation context.
523        See the Langfuse documentation for more information on integrating the LangchainCallbackHandler.
525        Returns:
526            LangchainCallbackHandler or None: Returns a LangchainCallbackHandler instance if there is an active observation in the current context; otherwise, returns None if no observation is found.
528        Note:
529            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., within a function wrapped by @observe) to ensure that an observation context exists.
530            - If no observation is found in the current context (e.g., if called outside of a trace or if the observation stack is empty), the method logs a warning and returns None.
531        """
532        observation = _observation_stack_context.get()[-1]
534        if observation is None:
535            self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
537            return None
539        if isinstance(observation, StatefulGenerationClient):
540            self._log.warn(
541                "Current observation is of type GENERATION, Langchain handler is not supported for this type of observation"
542            )
544            return None
546        return observation.get_langchain_handler()

Retrieve the current LangchainCallbackHandler associated with the most recent observation in the observation stack.

This method fetches the current observation from the observation stack and returns a LangchainCallbackHandler initialized with this observation. It is intended to be used within the context of a trace, allowing access to a callback handler for operations that require interaction with Langchain based on the current observation context.

See the Langfuse documentation for more information on integrating the LangchainCallbackHandler.


LangchainCallbackHandler or None: Returns a LangchainCallbackHandler instance if there is an active observation in the current context; otherwise, returns None if no observation is found.

  • This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., within a function wrapped by @observe) to ensure that an observation context exists.
  • If no observation is found in the current context (e.g., if called outside of a trace or if the observation stack is empty), the method logs a warning and returns None.
def get_current_trace_id(self):
548    def get_current_trace_id(self):
549        """Retrieve the ID of the current trace from the observation stack context.
551        This method examines the observation stack to find the root trace and returns its ID. It is useful for operations that require the trace ID,
552        such as setting trace parameters or querying trace information. The trace ID is typically the ID of the first observation in the stack,
553        representing the entry point of the traced execution context.
555        Returns:
556            str or None: The ID of the current trace if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace in the current context,
557            possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.
559        Note:
560            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current trace is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
561            - If called outside of a trace context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
562        """
563        stack = _observation_stack_context.get()
564        should_log_warning = self._get_caller_module_name() != "langfuse.openai"
566        if not stack:
567            if should_log_warning:
568                self._log.warn("No trace found in the current context")
570            return None
572        return stack[0].id

Retrieve the ID of the current trace from the observation stack context.

This method examines the observation stack to find the root trace and returns its ID. It is useful for operations that require the trace ID, such as setting trace parameters or querying trace information. The trace ID is typically the ID of the first observation in the stack, representing the entry point of the traced execution context.


str or None: The ID of the current trace if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace in the current context, possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.

  • This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current trace is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
  • If called outside of a trace context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
def get_current_trace_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
584    def get_current_trace_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
585        """Retrieve the URL of the current trace in context.
587        Returns:
588            str or None: The URL of the current trace if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace in the current context,
589            possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.
591        Note:
592            - This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current trace is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
593            - If called outside of a trace context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
594        """
595        try:
596            trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
597            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
599            if not trace_id:
600                raise ValueError("No trace found in the current context")
602            return f"{langfuse.client._client_wrapper._base_url}/trace/{trace_id}"
604        except Exception as e:
605            self._log.error(f"Failed to get current trace URL: {e}")
607            return None

Retrieve the URL of the current trace in context.


str or None: The URL of the current trace if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace in the current context, possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.

  • This method should be called within the context of a trace (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current trace is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
  • If called outside of a trace context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
def get_current_observation_id(self):
609    def get_current_observation_id(self):
610        """Retrieve the ID of the current observation in context.
612        Returns:
613            str or None: The ID of the current observation if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace or observation in the current context,
614            possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.
616        Note:
617            - This method should be called within the context of a trace or observation (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current observation is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
618            - If called outside of a trace or observation context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
619            - If called at the top level of a trace, it will return the trace ID.
620        """
621        stack = _observation_stack_context.get()
622        should_log_warning = self._get_caller_module_name() != "langfuse.openai"
624        if not stack:
625            if should_log_warning:
626                self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
628            return None
630        return stack[-1].id

Retrieve the ID of the current observation in context.


str or None: The ID of the current observation if available; otherwise, None. A return value of None indicates that there is no active trace or observation in the current context, possibly due to the method being called outside of any @observe-decorated function execution.

  • This method should be called within the context of a trace or observation (i.e., inside a function wrapped with the @observe decorator) to ensure that a current observation is indeed present and its ID can be retrieved.
  • If called outside of a trace or observation context, or if the observation stack has somehow been corrupted or improperly managed, this method will log a warning and return None, indicating the absence of a traceable context.
  • If called at the top level of a trace, it will return the trace ID.
def update_current_trace( self, name: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, release: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Any] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None):
632    def update_current_trace(
633        self,
634        name: Optional[str] = None,
635        user_id: Optional[str] = None,
636        session_id: Optional[str] = None,
637        version: Optional[str] = None,
638        release: Optional[str] = None,
639        metadata: Optional[Any] = None,
640        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
641        public: Optional[bool] = None,
642    ):
643        """Set parameters for the current trace, updating the trace's metadata and context information.
645        This method allows for dynamically updating the trace parameters at any point during the execution of a trace.
646        It updates the parameters of the current trace based on the provided arguments. These parameters include metadata, session information,
647        and other trace attributes that can be useful for categorization, filtering, and analysis in the Langfuse UI.
649        Arguments:
650            name (Optional[str]): Identifier of the trace. Useful for sorting/filtering in the UI..
651            user_id (Optional[str]): The id of the user that triggered the execution. Used to provide user-level analytics.
652            session_id (Optional[str]): Used to group multiple traces into a session in Langfuse. Use your own session/thread identifier.
653            version (Optional[str]): The version of the trace type. Used to understand how changes to the trace type affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
654            release (Optional[str]): The release identifier of the current deployment. Used to understand how changes of different deployments affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
655            metadata (Optional[Any]): Additional metadata of the trace. Can be any JSON object. Metadata is merged when being updated via the API.
656            tags (Optional[List[str]]): Tags are used to categorize or label traces. Traces can be filtered by tags in the Langfuse UI and GET API.
658        Returns:
659            None
661        Note:
662            - This method should be used within the context of an active trace, typically within a function that is being traced using the @observe decorator.
663            - The method updates the trace parameters for the currently executing trace. In nested trace scenarios, it affects the most recent trace context.
664            - If called outside of an active trace context, a warning is logged, and a ValueError is raised to indicate the absence of a traceable context.
665        """
666        trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
668        if trace_id is None:
669            self._log.warn("No trace found in the current context")
671            return
673        params_to_update = {
674            k: v
675            for k, v in {
676                "name": name,
677                "user_id": user_id,
678                "session_id": session_id,
679                "version": version,
680                "release": release,
681                "metadata": metadata,
682                "tags": tags,
683                "public": public,
684            }.items()
685            if v is not None
686        }
688        _observation_params_context.get()[trace_id].update(params_to_update)

Set parameters for the current trace, updating the trace's metadata and context information.

This method allows for dynamically updating the trace parameters at any point during the execution of a trace. It updates the parameters of the current trace based on the provided arguments. These parameters include metadata, session information, and other trace attributes that can be useful for categorization, filtering, and analysis in the Langfuse UI.

  • name (Optional[str]): Identifier of the trace. Useful for sorting/filtering in the UI..
  • user_id (Optional[str]): The id of the user that triggered the execution. Used to provide user-level analytics.
  • session_id (Optional[str]): Used to group multiple traces into a session in Langfuse. Use your own session/thread identifier.
  • version (Optional[str]): The version of the trace type. Used to understand how changes to the trace type affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
  • release (Optional[str]): The release identifier of the current deployment. Used to understand how changes of different deployments affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
  • metadata (Optional[Any]): Additional metadata of the trace. Can be any JSON object. Metadata is merged when being updated via the API.
  • tags (Optional[List[str]]): Tags are used to categorize or label traces. Traces can be filtered by tags in the Langfuse UI and GET API.


  • This method should be used within the context of an active trace, typically within a function that is being traced using the @observe decorator.
  • The method updates the trace parameters for the currently executing trace. In nested trace scenarios, it affects the most recent trace context.
  • If called outside of an active trace context, a warning is logged, and a ValueError is raised to indicate the absence of a traceable context.
def update_current_observation( self, *, input: Optional[Any] = None, output: Optional[Any] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Any] = None, start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, end_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, release: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, level: Optional[Literal['DEBUG', 'DEFAULT', 'WARNING', 'ERROR']] = None, status_message: Optional[str] = None, completion_start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, model_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, NoneType, int, bool, List[str]]]] = None, usage: Union[pydantic.main.BaseModel, langfuse.model.ModelUsage, NoneType] = None, prompt: Union[langfuse.model.TextPromptClient, langfuse.model.ChatPromptClient, NoneType] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None):
690    def update_current_observation(
691        self,
692        *,
693        input: Optional[Any] = None,
694        output: Optional[Any] = None,
695        name: Optional[str] = None,
696        version: Optional[str] = None,
697        metadata: Optional[Any] = None,
698        start_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
699        end_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
700        release: Optional[str] = None,
701        tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
702        user_id: Optional[str] = None,
703        session_id: Optional[str] = None,
704        level: Optional[SpanLevel] = None,
705        status_message: Optional[str] = None,
706        completion_start_time: Optional[datetime] = None,
707        model: Optional[str] = None,
708        model_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, MapValue]] = None,
709        usage: Optional[Union[BaseModel, ModelUsage]] = None,
710        prompt: Optional[PromptClient] = None,
711        public: Optional[bool] = None,
712    ):
713        """Update parameters for the current observation within an active trace context.
715        This method dynamically adjusts the parameters of the most recent observation on the observation stack.
716        It allows for the enrichment of observation data with additional details such as input parameters, output results, metadata, and more,
717        enhancing the observability and traceability of the execution context.
719        Note that if a param is not available on a specific observation type, it will be ignored.
721        Shared params:
722            - `input` (Optional[Any]): The input parameters of the trace or observation, providing context about the observed operation or function call.
723            - `output` (Optional[Any]): The output or result of the trace or observation
724            - `name` (Optional[str]): Identifier of the trace or observation. Useful for sorting/filtering in the UI.
725            - `metadata` (Optional[Any]): Additional metadata of the trace. Can be any JSON object. Metadata is merged when being updated via the API.
726            - `start_time` (Optional[datetime]): The start time of the observation, allowing for custom time range specification.
727            - `end_time` (Optional[datetime]): The end time of the observation, enabling precise control over the observation duration.
728            - `version` (Optional[str]): The version of the trace type. Used to understand how changes to the trace type affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
730        Trace-specific params:
731            - `user_id` (Optional[str]): The id of the user that triggered the execution. Used to provide user-level analytics.
732            - `session_id` (Optional[str]): Used to group multiple traces into a session in Langfuse. Use your own session/thread identifier.
733            - `release` (Optional[str]): The release identifier of the current deployment. Used to understand how changes of different deployments affect metrics. Useful in debugging.
734            - `tags` (Optional[List[str]]): Tags are used to categorize or label traces. Traces can be filtered by tags in the Langfuse UI and GET API.
735            - `public` (Optional[bool]): You can make a trace public to share it via a public link. This allows others to view the trace without needing to log in or be members of your Langfuse project.
737        Span-specific params:
738            - `level` (Optional[SpanLevel]): The severity or importance level of the observation, such as "INFO", "WARNING", or "ERROR".
739            - `status_message` (Optional[str]): A message or description associated with the observation's status, particularly useful for error reporting.
741        Generation-specific params:
742            - `completion_start_time` (Optional[datetime]): The time at which the completion started (streaming). Set it to get latency analytics broken down into time until completion started and completion duration.
743            - `model_parameters` (Optional[Dict[str, MapValue]]): The parameters of the model used for the generation; can be any key-value pairs.
744            - `usage` (Optional[Union[BaseModel, ModelUsage]]): The usage object supports the OpenAi structure with {promptTokens, completionTokens, totalTokens} and a more generic version {input, output, total, unit, inputCost, outputCost, totalCost} where unit can be of value "TOKENS", "CHARACTERS", "MILLISECONDS", "SECONDS", or "IMAGES". Refer to the docs on how to automatically infer token usage and costs in Langfuse.
745            - `prompt`(Optional[PromptClient]): The prompt object used for the generation.
747        Returns:
748            None
750        Raises:
751            ValueError: If no current observation is found in the context, indicating that this method was called outside of an observation's execution scope.
753        Note:
754            - This method is intended to be used within the context of an active observation, typically within a function wrapped by the @observe decorator.
755            - It updates the parameters of the most recently created observation on the observation stack. Care should be taken in nested observation contexts to ensure the updates are applied as intended.
756            - Parameters set to `None` will not overwrite existing values for those parameters. This behavior allows for selective updates without clearing previously set information.
757        """
758        stack = _observation_stack_context.get()
759        observation = stack[-1] if stack else None
761        if not observation:
762            self._log.warn("No observation found in the current context")
764            return
766        update_params = {
767            k: v
768            for k, v in {
769                "input": input,
770                "output": output,
771                "name": name,
772                "version": version,
773                "metadata": metadata,
774                "start_time": start_time,
775                "end_time": end_time,
776                "release": release,
777                "tags": tags,
778                "user_id": user_id,
779                "session_id": session_id,
780                "level": level,
781                "status_message": status_message,
782                "completion_start_time": completion_start_time,
783                "model": model,
784                "model_parameters": model_parameters,
785                "usage": usage,
786                "prompt": prompt,
787                "public": public,
788            }.items()
789            if v is not None
790        }
792        _observation_params_context.get()[].update(update_params)

Update parameters for the current observation within an active trace context.

This method dynamically adjusts the parameters of the most recent observation on the observation stack. It allows for the enrichment of observation data with additional details such as input parameters, output results, metadata, and more, enhancing the observability and traceability of the execution context.

Note that if a param is not available on a specific observation type, it will be ignored.

Shared params:
  • input (Optional[Any]): The input parameters of the trace or observation, providing context about the observed operation or function call.
  • output (Optional[Any]): The output or result of the trace or observation
  • name (Optional[str]): Identifier of the trace or observation. Useful for sorting/filtering in the UI.
  • metadata (Optional[Any]): Additional metadata of the trace. Can be any JSON object. Metadata is merged when being updated via the API.
  • start_time (Optional[datetime]): The start time of the observation, allowing for custom time range specification.
  • end_time (Optional[datetime]): The end time of the observation, enabling precise control over the observation duration.
  • version (Optional[str]): The version of the trace type. Used to understand how changes to the trace type affect metrics. Useful in debugging.

Trace-specific params: - user_id (Optional[str]): The id of the user that triggered the execution. Used to provide user-level analytics. - session_id (Optional[str]): Used to group multiple traces into a session in Langfuse. Use your own session/thread identifier. - release (Optional[str]): The release identifier of the current deployment. Used to understand how changes of different deployments affect metrics. Useful in debugging. - tags (Optional[List[str]]): Tags are used to categorize or label traces. Traces can be filtered by tags in the Langfuse UI and GET API. - public (Optional[bool]): You can make a trace public to share it via a public link. This allows others to view the trace without needing to log in or be members of your Langfuse project.

Span-specific params: - level (Optional[SpanLevel]): The severity or importance level of the observation, such as "INFO", "WARNING", or "ERROR". - status_message (Optional[str]): A message or description associated with the observation's status, particularly useful for error reporting.

Generation-specific params: - completion_start_time (Optional[datetime]): The time at which the completion started (streaming). Set it to get latency analytics broken down into time until completion started and completion duration. - model_parameters (Optional[Dict[str, MapValue]]): The parameters of the model used for the generation; can be any key-value pairs. - usage (Optional[Union[BaseModel, ModelUsage]]): The usage object supports the OpenAi structure with {promptTokens, completionTokens, totalTokens} and a more generic version {input, output, total, unit, inputCost, outputCost, totalCost} where unit can be of value "TOKENS", "CHARACTERS", "MILLISECONDS", "SECONDS", or "IMAGES". Refer to the docs on how to automatically infer token usage and costs in Langfuse. - prompt(Optional[PromptClient]): The prompt object used for the generation.



  • ValueError: If no current observation is found in the context, indicating that this method was called outside of an observation's execution scope.
  • This method is intended to be used within the context of an active observation, typically within a function wrapped by the @observe decorator.
  • It updates the parameters of the most recently created observation on the observation stack. Care should be taken in nested observation contexts to ensure the updates are applied as intended.
  • Parameters set to None will not overwrite existing values for those parameters. This behavior allows for selective updates without clearing previously set information.
def score_current_observation( self, *, name: str, value: float, comment: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None):
794    def score_current_observation(
795        self,
796        *,
797        name: str,
798        value: float,
799        comment: Optional[str] = None,
800        id: Optional[str] = None,
801    ):
802        """Score the current observation within an active trace. If called on the top level of a trace, it will score the trace.
804        Arguments:
805            name (str): The name of the score metric. This should be a clear and concise identifier for the metric being recorded.
806            value (float): The numerical value of the score. This could represent performance metrics, error rates, or any other quantifiable measure.
807            comment (Optional[str]): An optional comment or description providing context or additional details about the score.
808            id (Optional[str]): An optional custom ID for the scoring event. Useful for linking scores with external systems or for detailed tracking.
810        Returns:
811            None
813        Note:
814            This method is intended to be used within the context of an active trace or observation.
815        """
816        try:
817            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
818            trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
819            current_observation_id = self.get_current_observation_id()
821            observation_id = (
822                current_observation_id if current_observation_id != trace_id else None
823            )
825            if trace_id:
826                langfuse.score(
827                    trace_id=trace_id,
828                    observation_id=observation_id,
829                    name=name,
830                    value=value,
831                    comment=comment,
832                    id=id,
833                )
834            else:
835                raise ValueError("No trace or observation found in the current context")
837        except Exception as e:
838            self._log.error(f"Failed to score observation: {e}")

Score the current observation within an active trace. If called on the top level of a trace, it will score the trace.

  • name (str): The name of the score metric. This should be a clear and concise identifier for the metric being recorded.
  • value (float): The numerical value of the score. This could represent performance metrics, error rates, or any other quantifiable measure.
  • comment (Optional[str]): An optional comment or description providing context or additional details about the score.
  • id (Optional[str]): An optional custom ID for the scoring event. Useful for linking scores with external systems or for detailed tracking.



This method is intended to be used within the context of an active trace or observation.

def score_current_trace( self, *, name: str, value: float, comment: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None):
840    def score_current_trace(
841        self,
842        *,
843        name: str,
844        value: float,
845        comment: Optional[str] = None,
846        id: Optional[str] = None,
847    ):
848        """Score the current trace in context. This can be called anywhere in the nested trace to score the trace.
850        Arguments:
851            name (str): The name of the score metric. This should be a clear and concise identifier for the metric being recorded.
852            value (float): The numerical value of the score. This could represent performance metrics, error rates, or any other quantifiable measure.
853            comment (Optional[str]): An optional comment or description providing context or additional details about the score.
854            id (Optional[str]): An optional custom ID for the scoring event. Useful for linking scores with external systems or for detailed tracking.
856        Returns:
857            None
859        Note:
860            This method is intended to be used within the context of an active trace or observation.
861        """
862        try:
863            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
864            trace_id = self.get_current_trace_id()
866            if trace_id:
867                langfuse.score(
868                    trace_id=trace_id,
869                    name=name,
870                    value=value,
871                    comment=comment,
872                    id=id,
873                )
874            else:
875                raise ValueError("No trace found in the current context")
877        except Exception as e:
878            self._log.error(f"Failed to score observation: {e}")

Score the current trace in context. This can be called anywhere in the nested trace to score the trace.

  • name (str): The name of the score metric. This should be a clear and concise identifier for the metric being recorded.
  • value (float): The numerical value of the score. This could represent performance metrics, error rates, or any other quantifiable measure.
  • comment (Optional[str]): An optional comment or description providing context or additional details about the score.
  • id (Optional[str]): An optional custom ID for the scoring event. Useful for linking scores with external systems or for detailed tracking.



This method is intended to be used within the context of an active trace or observation.

def flush(self):
880    @catch_and_log_errors
881    def flush(self):
882        """Force immediate flush of all buffered observations to the Langfuse backend.
884        This method triggers the explicit sending of all accumulated trace and observation data that has not yet been sent to Langfuse servers.
885        It is typically used to ensure that data is promptly available for analysis, especially at the end of an execution context or before the application exits.
887        Usage:
888            - This method can be called at strategic points in the application where it's crucial to ensure that all telemetry data captured up to that point is made persistent and visible on the Langfuse platform.
889            - It's particularly useful in scenarios where the application might terminate abruptly or in batch processing tasks that require periodic flushing of trace data.
891        Returns:
892            None
894        Raises:
895            ValueError: If it fails to find a Langfuse client object in the current context, indicating potential misconfiguration or initialization issues.
897        Note:
898            - The flush operation may involve network I/O to send data to the Langfuse backend, which could impact performance if called too frequently in performance-sensitive contexts.
899            - In long-running applications, it's often sufficient to rely on the automatic flushing mechanism provided by the Langfuse client.
900            However, explicit calls to `flush` can be beneficial in certain edge cases or for debugging purposes.
901        """
902        langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
903        if langfuse:
904            langfuse.flush()
905        else:
906            self._log.warn("No langfuse object found in the current context")

Force immediate flush of all buffered observations to the Langfuse backend.

This method triggers the explicit sending of all accumulated trace and observation data that has not yet been sent to Langfuse servers. It is typically used to ensure that data is promptly available for analysis, especially at the end of an execution context or before the application exits.

  • This method can be called at strategic points in the application where it's crucial to ensure that all telemetry data captured up to that point is made persistent and visible on the Langfuse platform.
  • It's particularly useful in scenarios where the application might terminate abruptly or in batch processing tasks that require periodic flushing of trace data.


  • ValueError: If it fails to find a Langfuse client object in the current context, indicating potential misconfiguration or initialization issues.
  • The flush operation may involve network I/O to send data to the Langfuse backend, which could impact performance if called too frequently in performance-sensitive contexts.
  • In long-running applications, it's often sufficient to rely on the automatic flushing mechanism provided by the Langfuse client. However, explicit calls to flush can be beneficial in certain edge cases or for debugging purposes.
def configure( self, *, public_key: Optional[str] = None, secret_key: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None, release: Optional[str] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, threads: Optional[int] = None, flush_at: Optional[int] = None, flush_interval: Optional[int] = None, max_retries: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, httpx_client: Optional[httpx.Client] = None, enabled: Optional[bool] = None):
908    def configure(
909        self,
910        *,
911        public_key: Optional[str] = None,
912        secret_key: Optional[str] = None,
913        host: Optional[str] = None,
914        release: Optional[str] = None,
915        debug: Optional[bool] = None,
916        threads: Optional[int] = None,
917        flush_at: Optional[int] = None,
918        flush_interval: Optional[int] = None,
919        max_retries: Optional[int] = None,
920        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
921        httpx_client: Optional[httpx.Client] = None,
922        enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
923    ):
924        """Configure the Langfuse client.
926        If called, this method must be called before any other langfuse_context or observe decorated function to configure the Langfuse client with the necessary credentials and settings.
928        Args:
929            public_key: Public API key of Langfuse project. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY` environment variable.
930            secret_key: Secret API key of Langfuse project. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY` environment variable.
931            host: Host of Langfuse API. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_HOST` environment variable. Defaults to ``.
932            release: Release number/hash of the application to provide analytics grouped by release. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_RELEASE` environment variable.
933            debug: Enables debug mode for more verbose logging. Can be set via `LANGFUSE_DEBUG` environment variable.
934            threads: Number of consumer threads to execute network requests. Helps scaling the SDK for high load. Only increase this if you run into scaling issues.
935            flush_at: Max batch size that's sent to the API.
936            flush_interval: Max delay until a new batch is sent to the API.
937            max_retries: Max number of retries in case of API/network errors.
938            timeout: Timeout of API requests in seconds. Default is 20 seconds.
939            httpx_client: Pass your own httpx client for more customizability of requests.
940            enabled: Enables or disables the Langfuse client. Defaults to True. If disabled, no observability data will be sent to Langfuse. If data is requested while disabled, an error will be raised.
941        """
942        langfuse_singleton = LangfuseSingleton()
943        langfuse_singleton.reset()
945        langfuse_singleton.get(
946            public_key=public_key,
947            secret_key=secret_key,
948            host=host,
949            release=release,
950            debug=debug,
951            threads=threads,
952            flush_at=flush_at,
953            flush_interval=flush_interval,
954            max_retries=max_retries,
955            timeout=timeout,
956            httpx_client=httpx_client,
957            enabled=enabled,
958        )

Configure the Langfuse client.

If called, this method must be called before any other langfuse_context or observe decorated function to configure the Langfuse client with the necessary credentials and settings.

  • public_key: Public API key of Langfuse project. Can be set via LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable.
  • secret_key: Secret API key of Langfuse project. Can be set via LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY environment variable.
  • host: Host of Langfuse API. Can be set via LANGFUSE_HOST environment variable. Defaults to
  • release: Release number/hash of the application to provide analytics grouped by release. Can be set via LANGFUSE_RELEASE environment variable.
  • debug: Enables debug mode for more verbose logging. Can be set via LANGFUSE_DEBUG environment variable.
  • threads: Number of consumer threads to execute network requests. Helps scaling the SDK for high load. Only increase this if you run into scaling issues.
  • flush_at: Max batch size that's sent to the API.
  • flush_interval: Max delay until a new batch is sent to the API.
  • max_retries: Max number of retries in case of API/network errors.
  • timeout: Timeout of API requests in seconds. Default is 20 seconds.
  • httpx_client: Pass your own httpx client for more customizability of requests.
  • enabled: Enables or disables the Langfuse client. Defaults to True. If disabled, no observability data will be sent to Langfuse. If data is requested while disabled, an error will be raised.
def auth_check(self) -> bool:
963    def auth_check(self) -> bool:
964        """Check if the current Langfuse client is authenticated.
966        Returns:
967            bool: True if the client is authenticated, False otherwise
968        """
969        try:
970            langfuse = self._get_langfuse()
972            return langfuse.auth_check()
973        except Exception as e:
974            self._log.error("No Langfuse object found in the current context", e)
976            return False

Check if the current Langfuse client is authenticated.


bool: True if the client is authenticated, False otherwise