This module contains the LangfuseMedia class, which is used to wrap media objects for upload to Langfuse.

  1"""This module contains the LangfuseMedia class, which is used to wrap media objects for upload to Langfuse."""
  3import base64
  4import hashlib
  5import logging
  6import os
  7import re
  8import requests
  9from typing import Optional, cast, Tuple, Any, TypeVar, Literal
 11from langfuse.api import MediaContentType
 12from langfuse.types import ParsedMediaReference
 14T = TypeVar("T")
 17class LangfuseMedia:
 18    """A class for wrapping media objects for upload to Langfuse.
 20    This class handles the preparation and formatting of media content for Langfuse,
 21    supporting both base64 data URIs and raw content bytes.
 23    Args:
 24        obj (Optional[object]): The source object to be wrapped. Can be accessed via the `obj` attribute.
 25        base64_data_uri (Optional[str]): A base64-encoded data URI containing the media content
 26            and content type (e.g., "...").
 27        content_type (Optional[str]): The MIME type of the media content when providing raw bytes.
 28        content_bytes (Optional[bytes]): Raw bytes of the media content.
 29        file_path (Optional[str]): The path to the file containing the media content. For relative paths,
 30            the current working directory is used.
 32    Raises:
 33        ValueError: If neither base64_data_uri or the combination of content_bytes
 34            and content_type is provided.
 35    """
 37    obj: object
 39    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 40    _content_bytes: Optional[bytes]
 41    _content_type: Optional[MediaContentType]
 42    _source: Optional[str]
 43    _media_id: Optional[str]
 45    def __init__(
 46        self,
 47        *,
 48        obj: Optional[object] = None,
 49        base64_data_uri: Optional[str] = None,
 50        content_type: Optional[MediaContentType] = None,
 51        content_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None,
 52        file_path: Optional[str] = None,
 53    ):
 54        """Initialize a LangfuseMedia object.
 56        Args:
 57            obj: The object to wrap.
 59            base64_data_uri: A base64-encoded data URI containing the media content
 60                and content type (e.g., "...").
 61            content_type: The MIME type of the media content when providing raw bytes or reading from a file.
 62            content_bytes: Raw bytes of the media content.
 63            file_path: The path to the file containing the media content. For relative paths,
 64                the current working directory is used.
 65        """
 66        self.obj = obj
 67        self._media_id = None
 69        if base64_data_uri is not None:
 70            parsed_data = self._parse_base64_data_uri(base64_data_uri)
 71            self._content_bytes, self._content_type = parsed_data
 72            self._source = "base64_data_uri"
 74        elif content_bytes is not None and content_type is not None:
 75            self._content_type = content_type
 76            self._content_bytes = content_bytes
 77            self._source = "bytes"
 78        elif (
 79            file_path is not None
 80            and content_type is not None
 81            and os.path.exists(file_path)
 82        ):
 83            self._content_bytes = self._read_file(file_path)
 84            self._content_type = content_type if self._content_bytes else None
 85            self._source = "file" if self._content_bytes else None
 86        else:
 87            self._log.error(
 88                "base64_data_uri, or content_bytes and content_type, or file_path must be provided to LangfuseMedia"
 89            )
 91            self._content_bytes = None
 92            self._content_type = None
 93            self._source = None
 95    def _read_file(self, file_path: str) -> Optional[bytes]:
 96        try:
 97            with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
 98                return
 99        except Exception as e:
100            self._log.error(f"Error reading file at path {file_path}", exc_info=e)
102            return None
104    @property
105    def _content_length(self) -> Optional[int]:
106        return len(self._content_bytes) if self._content_bytes else None
108    @property
109    def _content_sha256_hash(self) -> Optional[str]:
110        if self._content_bytes is None:
111            return None
113        sha256_hash_bytes = hashlib.sha256(self._content_bytes).digest()
115        return base64.b64encode(sha256_hash_bytes).decode("utf-8")
117    @property
118    def _reference_string(self) -> Optional[str]:
119        if self._content_type is None or self._source is None or self._media_id is None:
120            return None
122        return f"@@@langfuseMedia:type={self._content_type}|id={self._media_id}|source={self._source}@@@"
124    @staticmethod
125    def parse_reference_string(reference_string: str) -> ParsedMediaReference:
126        """Parse a media reference string into a ParsedMediaReference.
128        Example reference string:
129            "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=some-uuid|source=base64_data_uri@@@"
131        Args:
132            reference_string: The reference string to parse.
134        Returns:
135            A TypedDict with the media_id, source, and content_type.
137        Raises:
138            ValueError: If the reference string is empty or not a string.
139            ValueError: If the reference string does not start with "@@@langfuseMedia:type=".
140            ValueError: If the reference string does not end with "@@@".
141            ValueError: If the reference string is missing required fields.
142        """
143        if not reference_string:
144            raise ValueError("Reference string is empty")
146        if not isinstance(reference_string, str):
147            raise ValueError("Reference string is not a string")
149        if not reference_string.startswith("@@@langfuseMedia:type="):
150            raise ValueError(
151                "Reference string does not start with '@@@langfuseMedia:type='"
152            )
154        if not reference_string.endswith("@@@"):
155            raise ValueError("Reference string does not end with '@@@'")
157        content = reference_string[len("@@@langfuseMedia:") :].rstrip("@@@")
159        # Split into key-value pairs
160        pairs = content.split("|")
161        parsed_data = {}
163        for pair in pairs:
164            key, value = pair.split("=", 1)
165            parsed_data[key] = value
167        # Verify all required fields are present
168        if not all(key in parsed_data for key in ["type", "id", "source"]):
169            raise ValueError("Missing required fields in reference string")
171        return ParsedMediaReference(
172            media_id=parsed_data["id"],
173            source=parsed_data["source"],
174            content_type=parsed_data["type"],
175        )
177    def _parse_base64_data_uri(
178        self, data: str
179    ) -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], Optional[MediaContentType]]:
180        # Example data URI: ...
181        try:
182            if not data or not isinstance(data, str):
183                raise ValueError("Data URI is not a string")
185            if not data.startswith("data:"):
186                raise ValueError("Data URI does not start with 'data:'")
188            header, actual_data = data[5:].split(",", 1)
189            if not header or not actual_data:
190                raise ValueError("Invalid URI")
192            # Split header into parts and check for base64
193            header_parts = header.split(";")
194            if "base64" not in header_parts:
195                raise ValueError("Data is not base64 encoded")
197            # Content type is the first part
198            content_type = header_parts[0]
199            if not content_type:
200                raise ValueError("Content type is empty")
202            return base64.b64decode(actual_data), cast(MediaContentType, content_type)
204        except Exception as e:
205            self._log.error("Error parsing base64 data URI", exc_info=e)
207            return None, None
209    @staticmethod
210    def resolve_media_references(
211        *,
212        obj: T,
213        langfuse_client: Any,
214        resolve_with: Literal["base64_data_uri"],
215        max_depth: int = 10,
216        content_fetch_timeout_seconds: int = 10,
217    ) -> T:
218        """Replace media reference strings in an object with base64 data URIs.
220        This method recursively traverses an object (up to max_depth) looking for media reference strings
221        in the format "@@@langfuseMedia:...@@@". When found, it (synchronously) fetches the actual media content using
222        the provided Langfuse client and replaces the reference string with a base64 data URI.
224        If fetching media content fails for a reference string, a warning is logged and the reference
225        string is left unchanged.
227        Args:
228            obj: The object to process. Can be a primitive value, array, or nested object.
229                If the object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.
230            langfuse_client: Langfuse client instance used to fetch media content.
231            resolve_with: The representation of the media content to replace the media reference string with.
232                Currently only "base64_data_uri" is supported.
233            max_depth: Optional. Default is 10. The maximum depth to traverse the object.
235        Returns:
236            A deep copy of the input object with all media references replaced with base64 data URIs where possible.
237            If the input object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.
239        Example:
240            obj = {
241                "image": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=123|source=bytes@@@",
242                "nested": {
243                    "pdf": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=application/pdf|id=456|source=bytes@@@"
244                }
245            }
247            result = await LangfuseMedia.resolve_media_references(obj, langfuse_client)
249            # Result:
250            # {
251            #     "image": "...",
252            #     "nested": {
253            #         "pdf": "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjcK..."
254            #     }
255            # }
256        """
258        def traverse(obj: Any, depth: int) -> Any:
259            if depth > max_depth:
260                return obj
262            # Handle string
263            if isinstance(obj, str):
264                regex = r"@@@langfuseMedia:.+?@@@"
265                reference_string_matches = re.findall(regex, obj)
266                if len(reference_string_matches) == 0:
267                    return obj
269                result = obj
270                reference_string_to_media_content = {}
272                for reference_string in reference_string_matches:
273                    try:
274                        parsed_media_reference = LangfuseMedia.parse_reference_string(
275                            reference_string
276                        )
277                        media_data = langfuse_client.fetch_media(
278                            parsed_media_reference["media_id"]
279                        ).data
280                        media_content = requests.get(
281                            media_data.url, timeout=content_fetch_timeout_seconds
282                        )
283                        if not media_content.ok:
284                            raise Exception("Failed to fetch media content")
286                        base64_media_content = base64.b64encode(
287                            media_content.content
288                        ).decode()
289                        base64_data_uri = f"data:{media_data.content_type};base64,{base64_media_content}"
291                        reference_string_to_media_content[reference_string] = (
292                            base64_data_uri
293                        )
294                    except Exception as e:
295                        LangfuseMedia._log.warning(
296                            f"Error fetching media content for reference string {reference_string}: {e}"
297                        )
298                        # Do not replace the reference string if there's an error
299                        continue
301                for ref_str, media_content in reference_string_to_media_content.items():
302                    result = result.replace(ref_str, media_content)
304                return result
306            # Handle arrays
307            if isinstance(obj, list):
308                return [traverse(item, depth + 1) for item in obj]
310            # Handle dictionaries
311            if isinstance(obj, dict):
312                return {key: traverse(value, depth + 1) for key, value in obj.items()}
314            # Handle objects:
315            if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
316                return {
317                    key: traverse(value, depth + 1)
318                    for key, value in obj.__dict__.items()
319                }
321            return obj
323        return traverse(obj, 0)
class LangfuseMedia:
 18class LangfuseMedia:
 19    """A class for wrapping media objects for upload to Langfuse.
 21    This class handles the preparation and formatting of media content for Langfuse,
 22    supporting both base64 data URIs and raw content bytes.
 24    Args:
 25        obj (Optional[object]): The source object to be wrapped. Can be accessed via the `obj` attribute.
 26        base64_data_uri (Optional[str]): A base64-encoded data URI containing the media content
 27            and content type (e.g., "...").
 28        content_type (Optional[str]): The MIME type of the media content when providing raw bytes.
 29        content_bytes (Optional[bytes]): Raw bytes of the media content.
 30        file_path (Optional[str]): The path to the file containing the media content. For relative paths,
 31            the current working directory is used.
 33    Raises:
 34        ValueError: If neither base64_data_uri or the combination of content_bytes
 35            and content_type is provided.
 36    """
 38    obj: object
 40    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 41    _content_bytes: Optional[bytes]
 42    _content_type: Optional[MediaContentType]
 43    _source: Optional[str]
 44    _media_id: Optional[str]
 46    def __init__(
 47        self,
 48        *,
 49        obj: Optional[object] = None,
 50        base64_data_uri: Optional[str] = None,
 51        content_type: Optional[MediaContentType] = None,
 52        content_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None,
 53        file_path: Optional[str] = None,
 54    ):
 55        """Initialize a LangfuseMedia object.
 57        Args:
 58            obj: The object to wrap.
 60            base64_data_uri: A base64-encoded data URI containing the media content
 61                and content type (e.g., "...").
 62            content_type: The MIME type of the media content when providing raw bytes or reading from a file.
 63            content_bytes: Raw bytes of the media content.
 64            file_path: The path to the file containing the media content. For relative paths,
 65                the current working directory is used.
 66        """
 67        self.obj = obj
 68        self._media_id = None
 70        if base64_data_uri is not None:
 71            parsed_data = self._parse_base64_data_uri(base64_data_uri)
 72            self._content_bytes, self._content_type = parsed_data
 73            self._source = "base64_data_uri"
 75        elif content_bytes is not None and content_type is not None:
 76            self._content_type = content_type
 77            self._content_bytes = content_bytes
 78            self._source = "bytes"
 79        elif (
 80            file_path is not None
 81            and content_type is not None
 82            and os.path.exists(file_path)
 83        ):
 84            self._content_bytes = self._read_file(file_path)
 85            self._content_type = content_type if self._content_bytes else None
 86            self._source = "file" if self._content_bytes else None
 87        else:
 88            self._log.error(
 89                "base64_data_uri, or content_bytes and content_type, or file_path must be provided to LangfuseMedia"
 90            )
 92            self._content_bytes = None
 93            self._content_type = None
 94            self._source = None
 96    def _read_file(self, file_path: str) -> Optional[bytes]:
 97        try:
 98            with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
 99                return
100        except Exception as e:
101            self._log.error(f"Error reading file at path {file_path}", exc_info=e)
103            return None
105    @property
106    def _content_length(self) -> Optional[int]:
107        return len(self._content_bytes) if self._content_bytes else None
109    @property
110    def _content_sha256_hash(self) -> Optional[str]:
111        if self._content_bytes is None:
112            return None
114        sha256_hash_bytes = hashlib.sha256(self._content_bytes).digest()
116        return base64.b64encode(sha256_hash_bytes).decode("utf-8")
118    @property
119    def _reference_string(self) -> Optional[str]:
120        if self._content_type is None or self._source is None or self._media_id is None:
121            return None
123        return f"@@@langfuseMedia:type={self._content_type}|id={self._media_id}|source={self._source}@@@"
125    @staticmethod
126    def parse_reference_string(reference_string: str) -> ParsedMediaReference:
127        """Parse a media reference string into a ParsedMediaReference.
129        Example reference string:
130            "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=some-uuid|source=base64_data_uri@@@"
132        Args:
133            reference_string: The reference string to parse.
135        Returns:
136            A TypedDict with the media_id, source, and content_type.
138        Raises:
139            ValueError: If the reference string is empty or not a string.
140            ValueError: If the reference string does not start with "@@@langfuseMedia:type=".
141            ValueError: If the reference string does not end with "@@@".
142            ValueError: If the reference string is missing required fields.
143        """
144        if not reference_string:
145            raise ValueError("Reference string is empty")
147        if not isinstance(reference_string, str):
148            raise ValueError("Reference string is not a string")
150        if not reference_string.startswith("@@@langfuseMedia:type="):
151            raise ValueError(
152                "Reference string does not start with '@@@langfuseMedia:type='"
153            )
155        if not reference_string.endswith("@@@"):
156            raise ValueError("Reference string does not end with '@@@'")
158        content = reference_string[len("@@@langfuseMedia:") :].rstrip("@@@")
160        # Split into key-value pairs
161        pairs = content.split("|")
162        parsed_data = {}
164        for pair in pairs:
165            key, value = pair.split("=", 1)
166            parsed_data[key] = value
168        # Verify all required fields are present
169        if not all(key in parsed_data for key in ["type", "id", "source"]):
170            raise ValueError("Missing required fields in reference string")
172        return ParsedMediaReference(
173            media_id=parsed_data["id"],
174            source=parsed_data["source"],
175            content_type=parsed_data["type"],
176        )
178    def _parse_base64_data_uri(
179        self, data: str
180    ) -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], Optional[MediaContentType]]:
181        # Example data URI: ...
182        try:
183            if not data or not isinstance(data, str):
184                raise ValueError("Data URI is not a string")
186            if not data.startswith("data:"):
187                raise ValueError("Data URI does not start with 'data:'")
189            header, actual_data = data[5:].split(",", 1)
190            if not header or not actual_data:
191                raise ValueError("Invalid URI")
193            # Split header into parts and check for base64
194            header_parts = header.split(";")
195            if "base64" not in header_parts:
196                raise ValueError("Data is not base64 encoded")
198            # Content type is the first part
199            content_type = header_parts[0]
200            if not content_type:
201                raise ValueError("Content type is empty")
203            return base64.b64decode(actual_data), cast(MediaContentType, content_type)
205        except Exception as e:
206            self._log.error("Error parsing base64 data URI", exc_info=e)
208            return None, None
210    @staticmethod
211    def resolve_media_references(
212        *,
213        obj: T,
214        langfuse_client: Any,
215        resolve_with: Literal["base64_data_uri"],
216        max_depth: int = 10,
217        content_fetch_timeout_seconds: int = 10,
218    ) -> T:
219        """Replace media reference strings in an object with base64 data URIs.
221        This method recursively traverses an object (up to max_depth) looking for media reference strings
222        in the format "@@@langfuseMedia:...@@@". When found, it (synchronously) fetches the actual media content using
223        the provided Langfuse client and replaces the reference string with a base64 data URI.
225        If fetching media content fails for a reference string, a warning is logged and the reference
226        string is left unchanged.
228        Args:
229            obj: The object to process. Can be a primitive value, array, or nested object.
230                If the object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.
231            langfuse_client: Langfuse client instance used to fetch media content.
232            resolve_with: The representation of the media content to replace the media reference string with.
233                Currently only "base64_data_uri" is supported.
234            max_depth: Optional. Default is 10. The maximum depth to traverse the object.
236        Returns:
237            A deep copy of the input object with all media references replaced with base64 data URIs where possible.
238            If the input object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.
240        Example:
241            obj = {
242                "image": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=123|source=bytes@@@",
243                "nested": {
244                    "pdf": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=application/pdf|id=456|source=bytes@@@"
245                }
246            }
248            result = await LangfuseMedia.resolve_media_references(obj, langfuse_client)
250            # Result:
251            # {
252            #     "image": "...",
253            #     "nested": {
254            #         "pdf": "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjcK..."
255            #     }
256            # }
257        """
259        def traverse(obj: Any, depth: int) -> Any:
260            if depth > max_depth:
261                return obj
263            # Handle string
264            if isinstance(obj, str):
265                regex = r"@@@langfuseMedia:.+?@@@"
266                reference_string_matches = re.findall(regex, obj)
267                if len(reference_string_matches) == 0:
268                    return obj
270                result = obj
271                reference_string_to_media_content = {}
273                for reference_string in reference_string_matches:
274                    try:
275                        parsed_media_reference = LangfuseMedia.parse_reference_string(
276                            reference_string
277                        )
278                        media_data = langfuse_client.fetch_media(
279                            parsed_media_reference["media_id"]
280                        ).data
281                        media_content = requests.get(
282                            media_data.url, timeout=content_fetch_timeout_seconds
283                        )
284                        if not media_content.ok:
285                            raise Exception("Failed to fetch media content")
287                        base64_media_content = base64.b64encode(
288                            media_content.content
289                        ).decode()
290                        base64_data_uri = f"data:{media_data.content_type};base64,{base64_media_content}"
292                        reference_string_to_media_content[reference_string] = (
293                            base64_data_uri
294                        )
295                    except Exception as e:
296                        LangfuseMedia._log.warning(
297                            f"Error fetching media content for reference string {reference_string}: {e}"
298                        )
299                        # Do not replace the reference string if there's an error
300                        continue
302                for ref_str, media_content in reference_string_to_media_content.items():
303                    result = result.replace(ref_str, media_content)
305                return result
307            # Handle arrays
308            if isinstance(obj, list):
309                return [traverse(item, depth + 1) for item in obj]
311            # Handle dictionaries
312            if isinstance(obj, dict):
313                return {key: traverse(value, depth + 1) for key, value in obj.items()}
315            # Handle objects:
316            if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
317                return {
318                    key: traverse(value, depth + 1)
319                    for key, value in obj.__dict__.items()
320                }
322            return obj
324        return traverse(obj, 0)

A class for wrapping media objects for upload to Langfuse.

This class handles the preparation and formatting of media content for Langfuse, supporting both base64 data URIs and raw content bytes.

  • obj (Optional[object]): The source object to be wrapped. Can be accessed via the obj attribute.
  • base64_data_uri (Optional[str]): A base64-encoded data URI containing the media content and content type (e.g., "...").
  • content_type (Optional[str]): The MIME type of the media content when providing raw bytes.
  • content_bytes (Optional[bytes]): Raw bytes of the media content.
  • file_path (Optional[str]): The path to the file containing the media content. For relative paths, the current working directory is used.
  • ValueError: If neither base64_data_uri or the combination of content_bytes and content_type is provided.
LangfuseMedia( *, obj: Optional[object] = None, base64_data_uri: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[langfuse.api.MediaContentType] = None, content_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None, file_path: Optional[str] = None)
46    def __init__(
47        self,
48        *,
49        obj: Optional[object] = None,
50        base64_data_uri: Optional[str] = None,
51        content_type: Optional[MediaContentType] = None,
52        content_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None,
53        file_path: Optional[str] = None,
54    ):
55        """Initialize a LangfuseMedia object.
57        Args:
58            obj: The object to wrap.
60            base64_data_uri: A base64-encoded data URI containing the media content
61                and content type (e.g., "...").
62            content_type: The MIME type of the media content when providing raw bytes or reading from a file.
63            content_bytes: Raw bytes of the media content.
64            file_path: The path to the file containing the media content. For relative paths,
65                the current working directory is used.
66        """
67        self.obj = obj
68        self._media_id = None
70        if base64_data_uri is not None:
71            parsed_data = self._parse_base64_data_uri(base64_data_uri)
72            self._content_bytes, self._content_type = parsed_data
73            self._source = "base64_data_uri"
75        elif content_bytes is not None and content_type is not None:
76            self._content_type = content_type
77            self._content_bytes = content_bytes
78            self._source = "bytes"
79        elif (
80            file_path is not None
81            and content_type is not None
82            and os.path.exists(file_path)
83        ):
84            self._content_bytes = self._read_file(file_path)
85            self._content_type = content_type if self._content_bytes else None
86            self._source = "file" if self._content_bytes else None
87        else:
88            self._log.error(
89                "base64_data_uri, or content_bytes and content_type, or file_path must be provided to LangfuseMedia"
90            )
92            self._content_bytes = None
93            self._content_type = None
94            self._source = None

Initialize a LangfuseMedia object.

  • obj: The object to wrap.
  • base64_data_uri: A base64-encoded data URI containing the media content and content type (e.g., "...").
  • content_type: The MIME type of the media content when providing raw bytes or reading from a file.
  • content_bytes: Raw bytes of the media content.
  • file_path: The path to the file containing the media content. For relative paths, the current working directory is used.
obj: object
def parse_reference_string(reference_string: str) -> langfuse.types.ParsedMediaReference:
125    @staticmethod
126    def parse_reference_string(reference_string: str) -> ParsedMediaReference:
127        """Parse a media reference string into a ParsedMediaReference.
129        Example reference string:
130            "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=some-uuid|source=base64_data_uri@@@"
132        Args:
133            reference_string: The reference string to parse.
135        Returns:
136            A TypedDict with the media_id, source, and content_type.
138        Raises:
139            ValueError: If the reference string is empty or not a string.
140            ValueError: If the reference string does not start with "@@@langfuseMedia:type=".
141            ValueError: If the reference string does not end with "@@@".
142            ValueError: If the reference string is missing required fields.
143        """
144        if not reference_string:
145            raise ValueError("Reference string is empty")
147        if not isinstance(reference_string, str):
148            raise ValueError("Reference string is not a string")
150        if not reference_string.startswith("@@@langfuseMedia:type="):
151            raise ValueError(
152                "Reference string does not start with '@@@langfuseMedia:type='"
153            )
155        if not reference_string.endswith("@@@"):
156            raise ValueError("Reference string does not end with '@@@'")
158        content = reference_string[len("@@@langfuseMedia:") :].rstrip("@@@")
160        # Split into key-value pairs
161        pairs = content.split("|")
162        parsed_data = {}
164        for pair in pairs:
165            key, value = pair.split("=", 1)
166            parsed_data[key] = value
168        # Verify all required fields are present
169        if not all(key in parsed_data for key in ["type", "id", "source"]):
170            raise ValueError("Missing required fields in reference string")
172        return ParsedMediaReference(
173            media_id=parsed_data["id"],
174            source=parsed_data["source"],
175            content_type=parsed_data["type"],
176        )

Parse a media reference string into a ParsedMediaReference.

Example reference string:


  • reference_string: The reference string to parse.

A TypedDict with the media_id, source, and content_type.

  • ValueError: If the reference string is empty or not a string.
  • ValueError: If the reference string does not start with "@@@langfuseMedia:type=".
  • ValueError: If the reference string does not end with "@@@".
  • ValueError: If the reference string is missing required fields.
def resolve_media_references( *, obj: ~T, langfuse_client: Any, resolve_with: Literal['base64_data_uri'], max_depth: int = 10, content_fetch_timeout_seconds: int = 10) -> ~T:
210    @staticmethod
211    def resolve_media_references(
212        *,
213        obj: T,
214        langfuse_client: Any,
215        resolve_with: Literal["base64_data_uri"],
216        max_depth: int = 10,
217        content_fetch_timeout_seconds: int = 10,
218    ) -> T:
219        """Replace media reference strings in an object with base64 data URIs.
221        This method recursively traverses an object (up to max_depth) looking for media reference strings
222        in the format "@@@langfuseMedia:...@@@". When found, it (synchronously) fetches the actual media content using
223        the provided Langfuse client and replaces the reference string with a base64 data URI.
225        If fetching media content fails for a reference string, a warning is logged and the reference
226        string is left unchanged.
228        Args:
229            obj: The object to process. Can be a primitive value, array, or nested object.
230                If the object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.
231            langfuse_client: Langfuse client instance used to fetch media content.
232            resolve_with: The representation of the media content to replace the media reference string with.
233                Currently only "base64_data_uri" is supported.
234            max_depth: Optional. Default is 10. The maximum depth to traverse the object.
236        Returns:
237            A deep copy of the input object with all media references replaced with base64 data URIs where possible.
238            If the input object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.
240        Example:
241            obj = {
242                "image": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=123|source=bytes@@@",
243                "nested": {
244                    "pdf": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=application/pdf|id=456|source=bytes@@@"
245                }
246            }
248            result = await LangfuseMedia.resolve_media_references(obj, langfuse_client)
250            # Result:
251            # {
252            #     "image": "...",
253            #     "nested": {
254            #         "pdf": "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjcK..."
255            #     }
256            # }
257        """
259        def traverse(obj: Any, depth: int) -> Any:
260            if depth > max_depth:
261                return obj
263            # Handle string
264            if isinstance(obj, str):
265                regex = r"@@@langfuseMedia:.+?@@@"
266                reference_string_matches = re.findall(regex, obj)
267                if len(reference_string_matches) == 0:
268                    return obj
270                result = obj
271                reference_string_to_media_content = {}
273                for reference_string in reference_string_matches:
274                    try:
275                        parsed_media_reference = LangfuseMedia.parse_reference_string(
276                            reference_string
277                        )
278                        media_data = langfuse_client.fetch_media(
279                            parsed_media_reference["media_id"]
280                        ).data
281                        media_content = requests.get(
282                            media_data.url, timeout=content_fetch_timeout_seconds
283                        )
284                        if not media_content.ok:
285                            raise Exception("Failed to fetch media content")
287                        base64_media_content = base64.b64encode(
288                            media_content.content
289                        ).decode()
290                        base64_data_uri = f"data:{media_data.content_type};base64,{base64_media_content}"
292                        reference_string_to_media_content[reference_string] = (
293                            base64_data_uri
294                        )
295                    except Exception as e:
296                        LangfuseMedia._log.warning(
297                            f"Error fetching media content for reference string {reference_string}: {e}"
298                        )
299                        # Do not replace the reference string if there's an error
300                        continue
302                for ref_str, media_content in reference_string_to_media_content.items():
303                    result = result.replace(ref_str, media_content)
305                return result
307            # Handle arrays
308            if isinstance(obj, list):
309                return [traverse(item, depth + 1) for item in obj]
311            # Handle dictionaries
312            if isinstance(obj, dict):
313                return {key: traverse(value, depth + 1) for key, value in obj.items()}
315            # Handle objects:
316            if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
317                return {
318                    key: traverse(value, depth + 1)
319                    for key, value in obj.__dict__.items()
320                }
322            return obj
324        return traverse(obj, 0)

Replace media reference strings in an object with base64 data URIs.

This method recursively traverses an object (up to max_depth) looking for media reference strings in the format "@@@langfuseMedia:...@@@". When found, it (synchronously) fetches the actual media content using the provided Langfuse client and replaces the reference string with a base64 data URI.

If fetching media content fails for a reference string, a warning is logged and the reference string is left unchanged.

  • obj: The object to process. Can be a primitive value, array, or nested object. If the object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.
  • langfuse_client: Langfuse client instance used to fetch media content.
  • resolve_with: The representation of the media content to replace the media reference string with. Currently only "base64_data_uri" is supported.
  • max_depth: Optional. Default is 10. The maximum depth to traverse the object.

A deep copy of the input object with all media references replaced with base64 data URIs where possible. If the input object has a __dict__ attribute, a dict will be returned instead of the original object type.


obj = { "image": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=image/jpeg|id=123|source=bytes@@@", "nested": { "pdf": "@@@langfuseMedia:type=application/pdf|id=456|source=bytes@@@" } }

result = await LangfuseMedia.resolve_media_references(obj, langfuse_client)



"image": "...",

"nested": {

"pdf": "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjcK..."

